'#canning #howtocan #hotbath Learn about hot bathing, old-fashioned pressure canning and even the NEW way to pressure can as Tim and Nicki share some canning secrets and tips. Green Tomatoes, Strawberry Jam, Zucchini Pickles, Pickled Green Beans with Lois, Cabbage and Green Beans. Recipes at www.timfarmerscountrykitchen.com/canning Subscribe NOW to Tim Farmer\'s Country Kitchen: http://bit.ly/1haLDn8 Watch Tim Farmer\'s Country Kitchen All Week Long KET Wednesdays 12:30 AM KET2 Saturday 4:30 PM KET KY Saturday 9:30 AM, Sunday 6:00 PM, Thursdays 9:00 PM Get more Tim Farmer\'s Country Kitchen: Follow: http://Twitter.com/TimFarmerKY Like: https://www.facebook.com/TimFarmersCountryKitchen Pin: http://www.pinterest.com/timfarmerky/ Website: http://www.TimFarmersCountryKitchen.com'
Tags: tips , tutorial , help , kentucky , zucchini , can , jam , Strawberry jam , basics , canning , pickles , pickled , green beans , hot bath , how to can , country kitchen , canning 101 , pressure can , Tim Farmer , hot pack
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